Galboda Falls Exploration-2014

Galaboda waterfall originates from the Hanguranketha river in the Central Province wet zone. It is located in Nuwaraeliya district. Galaboda fall is 30m in hight. But the width ranges from between 3m & 6m , depending on the season. Annual rainfall here exceeds 4500mm; 60%of the rain coming from south – west monsoon dry season in January to February. Galaboda is along the railway track of Colombo to Badulla. The environment is cool as it rains a lot. The name of the fall (Galaboda) means “fall adjoining the stone”. It derives from the large boulder situated at its foot. At certain times of the year, the water cascades in two streams. Growing in the surrounding woodland is a rare species of orchid & the vicinity is home to wildlife. Among them are 12 species of reptile & four are unique to Sri Lanka.

Galaboda is an isolated village located inbetween Nawalapitiya & Watawala. Since there is not a well-developed road system yet, the railway is the only source of transportation for the villages & travelers. Galaboda is important to travelers due to two reasons. One is the famous Galaboda waterfall the other is the natural water spring located in the backyard of the railway station. It is known as the source of portable water with the highest in gravity in the South Asia. On the other hand the tastiest water in the South Asia.

As the 4th hike of 2014/ 2015 hike season of university explorers’ club was held on 27.04.2014 . The students who love hiking gathered to the faculty of science. President of the club gave a brief introduction about the waterfall. We left the campus & reached the Sarasavi Uyana railway station at about 8.30am .The train was scheduled at 8.45am. We had a great fun during traveling by train. Passing Inguruoya station we experienced the natural beauty of the hill country. The train passed through several tunnels. In between tunnel No 12 & 13 we saw a bridge over a stream. The valley below was beautiful surrounded by hills planted Cyprus & Pinus trees. And also jungle flowers and orchids were seen in bloom on the sides.

Passing the 13th tunnel we reached Galaboda station. It was 10.45am when we got off from the train. Before the start of the hike again the president gave some advice, safety measures & also explained the way that the hiker had to behave during the hike. Some members were appointed as the head & tail as usual. Then the journey was started. There was one shop near to the station. We walked along 150m & turn in to right side & continue our journey. There was a place to issue tickets.

We walked through a cobble path. After walk for about 200m there was a road to upper side but we didn’t use it because it is not the right way. Then we met another road after passing about 50m. It was also not used. So we walked along the right way. The road became narrower. We had refreshment during our walk. There was a tree which were broken down, we passed it also & walked along the streams. Passing the streams we were amused by the beauty and grandeur of the scene before us. Galaboda waterfall was situated within one hour walking distance from the railway station.

When we saw the waterfall we couldn’t control ourselves. Then we started to reach the waterfall. The stones were slippery. So we were very careful. We had a lot of fun there. It was the best moment in our hike. No one wanted to go away from this place.

We had our lunch near to the water fall. As usual, according to UEC manner, introduced ourselves to others, took photographs also. Not only that president gave some details about the waterfall & another senior members also gave some details about valuable plants in this area.

The train was scheduled we had a limited time. Then we left that place. We ran along the way. Run speed depended on the time to reach the station to catch the train. We had a great fun while running. Finally we were lucky to reach the Galaboda railway station before the train could reach the station. On the way to the university we sang songs & enjoyed. It was 5pm past when we reached university. At the end of the hike we dispersed happily According to usual manner of the explorer club.

Because of the explorer club of the University of Peradeniya we got a chance to visit this amazing waterfall. One could stand hours in a spirit of amazement looking at this beautiful scenery which we all wish to preserve in its’ uniqueness for generations to come.